Posted by: skipper09 | August 8, 2011

Hearts Open and Prayers for the Duncan Family

Spencer at 21 years of age was one of the soldiers that was shot down in the Chinook helicopter this past week. My mind keeps flashing back to Spencer holding onto Megan’s skirt standing next to Tanner and they are both smiling waiting for mom to talk so they can go home after church. Watching Dale hold Spencer’s hand as they walk to the car. I only knew Spencer as a young child. My heart wants to say thank-you to that young man who held our county so dear, Spencer is an American Hero. Leaving behind two younger brothers, Tanner while at boot camp I believe in the Marines and Calder still in High School. I have read about the boys and family by following Megan’s blog; Motherwords. The parents that Megan and Dale are; they are gentle and love their family with a passion. Knowing Megan and Dale I am sure they had conflicting feelings when two of the boys joined the military during a war. With that being said as parents they are supportive and Spencer left to defend our freedom. My freedom looks alot different with a face that I know on it. From the words that I have read on Megan’s blog the boys knew their direction in life and as parents they were willing to let go and let them find their purpose. Spencer has given the greatest gift of sacrifice; it is a sacrifice for all of the family. Many lives will be changed forever. I wish this were not so…. My prayer is one of comfort and love for your family. I dedicate the pictures to the Duncan Family.

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  1. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

  2. So very very sad and tragic!

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